Pediatrics Clinics In Perambra

Royal Dental Care



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Nucleus Poly Clinic Building, Menhaniam, Near Court Road, Perambra, Kozhikode, 673525

Since : 2022


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Pediatrics Clinics in Perambra: Nurturing Little Smiles


In the heart of Perambra, our Pediatrics Clinics specialize in providing gentle and expert care for little smiles. With a focus on pediatric dentistry, our clinics are designed to create a comfortable and positive environment for children, ensuring optimal oral health from a young age.

Why Choose Our Pediatrics Clinics?

Our Pediatrics Clinics in Perambra prioritize the unique needs of children's oral health. Led by compassionate pediatric dentists, our clinics offer a range of services tailored for young patients, from preventive care to specialized treatments. Choose our clinics for a warm and child-friendly atmosphere, promoting a positive dental experience for your little ones.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. At what age should a child first visit the pediatric dentist?

Answer: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a child's first dental visit by their first birthday or within six months of the eruption of the first tooth. Early visits establish a foundation for good oral health habits.

2. What services do pediatric dentists offer?

Answer: Pediatric dentists provide a range of services, including preventive care (cleanings, fluoride treatments), dental exams, treatment of cavities, orthodontic assessments, and guidance on oral hygiene practices.

3. How can parents prepare children for their dental visits?

Answer: Parents can prepare children by talking positively about the dentist, reading books about dental visits, and explaining that the dentist helps keep their teeth healthy. Bringing a favorite toy or comfort item can also provide reassurance.

4. Are pediatric dentists trained differently?

Answer: Yes, pediatric dentists undergo additional training specifically focused on the unique dental needs of children, including child psychology and behavior management techniques. This specialized training ensures the best care for young patients.

5. How often should children have dental check-ups?

Answer: Regular dental check-ups are recommended every six months. These visits help monitor oral development, detect any issues early on, and provide preventive care to maintain optimal oral health.

6. What is the role of fluoride in children's dental care?

Answer: Fluoride is crucial for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing cavities. Pediatric dentists may recommend fluoride treatments or supplements based on the child's oral health needs.

7. How can parents encourage good oral hygiene habits at home?

Answer: Parents can encourage good oral hygiene by supervising brushing and flossing, providing a balanced diet, limiting sugary snacks, and making oral care a fun and positive daily routine.


Choosing Pediatrics Clinics in Perambra means choosing a nurturing environment for your child's oral health. Our compassionate pediatric dentists are dedicated to providing gentle care and promoting positive dental experiences. Give your little ones the gift of a healthy smile by visiting our state-of-the-art clinics, where children's oral health is our top priority.