Filling And Sealants Clinics In Perambra

Royal Dental Care



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Nucleus Poly Clinic Building, Menhaniam, Near Court Road, Perambra, Kozhikode, 673525

Since : 2022


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Filling and Sealants Clinics in Perambra: Nurturing Dental Wellness


In the serene town of Perambra, our Filling and Sealants Clinics specialize in preserving smiles through expert dental solutions. With a focus on cavity prevention and seamless tooth restoration, our clinics provide essential services to ensure optimal oral health for our patients.

Why Choose Our Filling and Sealants Clinics?

Our Filling and Sealants Clinics in Perambra prioritize proactive dental care. Led by skilled dentists, our clinics offer a range of services, including dental fillings for cavity restoration and sealant application for preventive measures. Choose our clinics for comprehensive dental solutions aimed at preserving and enhancing your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the purpose of dental fillings?

Answer: Dental fillings are used to restore teeth affected by cavities or decay. The filling material replaces the damaged portion of the tooth, preventing further decay and restoring its function.

2. When is a dental filling necessary?

Answer: Dental fillings are necessary when a tooth has a cavity or decay. The dentist removes the damaged portion and fills the space with a suitable material, restoring the tooth's integrity.

3. What are dental sealants, and how do they prevent cavities?

Answer: Dental sealants are thin protective coatings applied to the surfaces of teeth, particularly molars and premolars. They create a barrier that helps prevent plaque and bacteria from causing cavities in the grooves of the teeth.

4. Are dental sealants suitable for adults?

Answer: While commonly applied to children's teeth, dental sealants can be beneficial for adults as well. They provide an extra layer of protection against cavities, especially in areas that may be challenging to clean thoroughly.

5. How long do dental fillings last?

Answer: The lifespan of dental fillings varies depending on the material used and individual oral care practices. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, fillings can last for many years.

6. Are dental fillings noticeable?

Answer: Modern dental fillings are designed to match the natural color of teeth, making them virtually unnoticeable. Composite resin and porcelain are commonly used for aesthetic purposes.

7. Can sealants be applied to all teeth?

Answer: While sealants are most commonly applied to molars and premolars, they can potentially be applied to any tooth that has deep grooves or pits prone to cavities. The dentist evaluates each case individually.


Choosing Filling and Sealants Clinics in Perambra means choosing a proactive approach to dental wellness. Our skilled dentists are dedicated to providing expert dental solutions, from restoring cavities with fillings to applying protective sealants. Experience comprehensive dental care at our state-of-the-art clinics, preserving and enhancing your precious smile.